To help retail brands streamline their complex and chaotic distribution channels

Retail and Distribution Management

Unstructured data, fragmented distributions, and long sales cycles hurt your business growth. Therefore to ensure sustained growth and streamlined distribution, Growmax presents its Retail And Distribution Management Solution.


Secondary Sales Execution

Inventory Automation

Beat Planning

Claim Management

Collection Management

Trade Promotions Management

Separate Dashboards

Intelligent Reports

Secondary Sales

Nail The Secondary Sales Executions

Get a seamless view of secondary sales and order data. 

Automate Inventory

Get rid of overstock and understock situations with an automated inventory.

inventory automation for Automation
Beat Planning in Retail

Generate The Fastest Route To Outlets

Achieve the highest possible rep productivity(sales/rep).

Manage Claims and Returns

Address the claims and bottlenecks in distribution.

Claim Management

Automate Collection and Invoicing

Make collection management more accessible and visible.

Make Trade Promotions Transparent

Put a check on trade promotion irregularities

trade promotion management
Separate Dashboard for Fmcg, CPGs and Retail

Be In Control With Visual Dashboards

Get separate dashboards for distributors and a master dashboard for you.

Generate Intelligent Reports in Seconds

Generate insightful reports for a 360-degree view.

intelligent reports FMCG , CPGs and Retail
cloud-data Management

Structure The Unstructured Data

Automate the data collection and management process

Optimize Distribution for Demand

Fix the uneven distributions 

Distribution Management icons

Why GrowMaxBI

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