Make your sales process fast, efficient, and automated

Sales Force Automation

Managing a sales team is hard! Its dynamism, complexity, and unstructured workflows make it even harder. To solve these problems and make team management easier, GrowmaxBI presents its Sales Force Automation Solution.

drop in sales administration time
0 %
increase in team collaboration
0 %
Increase in sales volume
0 %


Outlet Profiling

Beat Planning

Sales Order Automation

Lead Management

Team Tracking

Field Team Management

Outlet Profiling

Make Outlet Profiles

Shift from scattered data management to automated data management.

Record crucial outlet information directly from the app.

Organize the data into the respective outlet profiles. 

Keep the data fresh, up-to-date, and insightful for decisions. 

Generate Beat Routes

Generates beat routes
Increase The Average Order Size(SFA) ilustrations

Increase The Average Order Size

Automate the Lead Management Process

automated the lead management process
Team Tracking in retail

Track Sales Reps

Manage Field Teams

Why GrowMaxBI

Our Clients

Sales Force Automation

Transform a slow, non-visible, and leaking sales process into a fast, confident, and organized one
Explore Our Latest Blogs
SFA Guide for Agri input
Navigate to success: how SFA boosts the Productivity of Automotive Industry
Sales force automation software